Gaspar Borchardt, maestro liutaio, costruisce violini a Cremona

Gaspar works in his workshop with a magnificant view of the Duomo and the main square of Cremona, Italy.
Being sure that the beauty of the old great instruments is the result of acoustical needs, Gaspar uses outlines,
archings and varnish with specific acoustical functions reaching amazing aesthetic results.
Since 1983, many of his instruments allow musicians from all over the world to develop a succesful career.

Gaspar Borchardt costruisce violini e viole a Cremona

Gaspar & Sibylle Fehr- Borchardt


My Master Francesco Bissolotti passed away and l'm thankfull for the knowledge about old italian violinmaking, and richer with modern points of view and my intuition I walk on the path joining the Timbro Italiano and the Bellezza Autentica.


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"Un liutaio di riferimento nel panorama di Cremona
...esperienza, maestria e ricerca ..."

M° Alessandro Ceravolo

"Geniale e innovativo nella tradizione classica della liuteria classica Cremonese"

M° Luca Fanfoni